Boganology Presents: Are You A Bogan? Book
Product Description
Are you a bogan? The first Boganology tick book. Are you a bogan (are any of your friends) a bogan? Well now you can find out with the first bogan point test is this first of a new line of tick books. Flick through the pages and tick the boxes that speak to you then add up your score and check the bogan results table at the back of the book to reveal how much of a bogan you really are!
Some sample book questions you must ask yourself
- Do you have a Southern Cross tattoo?
- Have you ever fixed a pair of thongs with that plastic thing off the bread?
- You’ve owned a car with a stereo worth more than the car?
- Have you got chopsticks in the kitchen drawer but never cook Chinese food?
- You’ve used a goon sack as a pillow?
- Do you pour the leftover flavour out of the empty Shapes packet into your mouth?
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